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‘Fantastic Beasts’ fashion is surprisingly fantastic.

We couldn’t keep our eyes from the Fantastic Beasts 2 in mid-April. Whatever your opinions on the franchise may be, it is evident that the wardrobe department at Fantastic Beasts has made some excellent choices in regards to Dumbledore’s outfit.

Without spoiling much, the Fantastic Beasts series is a big departure from Harry Potter. The most recent addition to the Fantastic Beasts series, “Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore“, was released before the wizarding world. It features Emma Watson and Rupert Grint as Rupert Grint. Jude Law portrays Albus, who is the younger version of Albus in the prequel series.

Harry Potter isn’t known for being a fashion icon. However, most of the movies featured the iconic robe-scarf combination.

Fashion also changes as the Fantastic Beasts story centers on a different narrative. It’s gone the pointy hats with robes.

Secrets to Dumbledore‘s costume designer Colleen Atwood from “Chicago”, clearly left an imprint on this film. Atwood, in an interview with Fashionista, described the French influences that influenced the film’s aesthetic.

“We’re living in a period of great Parisian writing, great art, and great photographers. I was able to a lot of visual information from old Paris photography, such as Man Ray, and Brassai. Even though some of it was later it maintained the Parisian gritty vibe. Parisian fashion was very cutting-edge at the time. We thought it would be interesting to add our own flair to it.

The franchise had a lot of focus in the beginning on Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander. He is a very squirrelly magizoologist, and he loves a good bowtie. Redmayne is seen sporting a promotional overcoat, which is a step above his traditional suit-and-waist combo. It’s just a small adjustment that makes the overall fit complete.

Albus Dumbledore the title character also receives a style upgrade. His style is enhanced by his wear of slick three-piece suits and gorgeous grey textured coats. Law’s chic beard and slicked-back style make it difficult to imagine why he stopped wearing them in Harry Potter. Style is less important as you age, so comfort is the priority.

Leta Leta Lestrange and Zoe Kravitz are fashion darlings. The series’ most iconic look is the bold purple cape dress that Lestrange wore. It was more in the 30s style. This elegant combination of a regal and casual gown is achieved without making it seem too campy. The fourth Fantastic Beasts flick is still unknown. Despite the excellent wardrobe, the movie is doing…ok. We would love to see Dumbledore with his crew again, but we also hope to see Atwood at the fashion helm.

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